Tag: farro

Peach Arugula and Farro Salad

Peach Arugula and Farro Salad

Ripe peaches make a delicious addition to this summer salad. I leave the skin on the peaches, which helps the pieces hold together better and I like the texture it adds. If your peaches seem a little on the fuzzy side, rinse them gently under cool water and most of the fuzz will rub away. The easiest way I’ve found to cook farro is in a rice cooker. When it’s done, I spread it out on a sheet tray and refrigerate it until the farro has cooled. This can be done ahead of time and with the farro already cooked, this salad comes together fast. For this recipe, I used 1 cup dry farro which made about 2 cups.

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Cherry Tomato and Pluot Farro Salad

Cherry Tomato and Pluot Farro Salad

Any pluot (a cross between a plum and an apricot) or plum will work well in this salad. Make sure that your fruit is nice and ripe – let it sit out for a day or two if you need to. The flesh should be tender but not squishy. The cherry tomatoes should also be fragrant and ripe. Store-bought cherry tomatoes will work, but if you can find a friend with a garden, all the better.

I like the addition of marjoram here, it has an anise-like quality to it that backs up the fennel nicely. However if that’s not a favorite flavor of yours, use less or leave it out all-together.

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