Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard boiled eggs make a great addition to salads and sandwiches and are a great snack on their own. There are a lot of different ways you can hard boil an egg and lots of people have tips and tricks they swear by, but this is the method I’ve found that works most consistently for me. You can cook as many eggs as will fit in a single layer at a time. Eggshells are porous and the longer they’re able to sit in the ice water, the easier they’ll be to peel.
Hard Boiled Eggs
Bring a pot of water with enough water to cover an egg by about 1 inch to a rolling boil. Add 1 Tb salt. Using a wooden spoon, gently lower the eggs to the bottom of the pan, using the side of the pot to help guide you. Set a 14 minute timer. While the eggs are cooking, fill a bowl with ice and cold water. When the timer goes off, immediately transfer the eggs to the ice bath. Let the eggs cool completely in the water. When the eggs have cooled, peel them in the water of the ice bath or under a stream of water.
My new go-to method for hard-boiling eggs!